Arc the lad Wiki

Velhart Barlag (ヴェルハルト・バラッグ Vu~eruharuto Baraggu) is a character in Arc The Lad III. Known as the greatest swordsman in Parute in spite of his age, Velhart is a stoic swordsman known for his incredble winning streak at the Paltos Arena and his obsession with finding and defeating the strongest warriors, such as Gruga. Initially very sour to Alec and his allies, the only person he shared some semblance of a relationship to is his brother, Leshalt. After an incident with The Academy and Leshalt, Velhart would seek revenge and join Alec and his party due to the strength they displayed.





Years down the road, Parute would create a statue in memorium of Velhart after his death. His statue would remain intact even after the Deimos takeover of Parute into Rueloon, where it still stands in the Rueloon Pub in Twilight of the Spirits.

Skills and Abilities[]


  • Velhart's birthday is January 9th.
  • His blood type is AB, he is 5'7 (175cm), and weighs 138 lbs (63kg).